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The path of the self-taught developer is tough and filled with uncertainty. There is no straight line from newbie to career programmer. Because of this, I believe all self-taught developers have a unique story to tell.

自学成才的开发者之路艰难而充满不确定性。 从新手到职业程序员都没有直线。 因此,我相信所有自学成才的开发人员都有一个独特的故事要讲。

In this article, I’ll share my coding journey through a series of lessons I learned along the way. Hopefully reading about my experience teaching myself how to code will help you reflect on your own past, and motivate you to keep moving forward.

在本文中,我将通过在此过程中学到的一系列课程来分享我的编码之旅。 希望阅读有关我自己教自己如何编码的经验,这可以帮助您反思自己的过去,并激励您继续前进。

第1课:关注流程 (Lesson 1: Focus on the Process)

When I first started learning to program, I never had the intention of making a career out of it. I just wanted to make a specific app.

当我刚开始学习编程时,我从来没有打算以此来从事职业。 我只是想制作一个特定的应用程序。

My journey started when I was a senior in college. I just finished Richard Branson’s biography and I was probably reading too much TechCrunch. I was pumped full of entrepreneurial energy.

我的旅途始于我上大学时。 我刚刚读完Richard Branson的传记,可能读了太多TechCrunch。 我充满了创业精神。

I was constantly reading about how college kids were receiving massive amounts of investment for their mobile app ideas. I thought I could be one of those college kids.

我一直在阅读有关大学生如何通过其移动应用程序创意获得大量投资的信息。 我以为我可以成为那些大学生中的一个。

One day, while walking in between classes, an app idea hit me. I quickly became convinced that I’d found the next big thing.

有一天,在上课之间走动时,一个应用程序的主意击中了我。 我很快就确信自己找到了下一件大事。

I was consumed by the idea and stopped paying attention to lectures. My excitement for the app idea quickly grew to the point where I felt I needed to take action.

我被这个主意迷住了,不再关注讲座。 我对应用程序创意的兴奋很快上升到我认为需要采取行动的地步。

There was one big problem. My idea was a mobile app and I didn’t know anyone who could build mobile apps.

有一个大问题。 我的想法是移动应用程序,但我不认识任何人可以构建移动应用程序。

So I thought, "what the hell, how hard could programming be?" I was losing interest in my major and I was spending a lot of time playing Xbox. I could put some of my free time towards building out my mobile app idea.

所以我想,“到底是什么,编程有多难?” 我对自己的专业失去了兴趣,花了很多时间玩Xbox。 我可以将一些空闲时间用于建立自己的移动应用创意。

Sometimes being naive helps you take action when you normally wouldn’t.


I was a college student with no programming, business, or design experience trying to learn Android so I could build a complex mobile app. I guess that’s what you get when you mix a big idea with the Silicon Valley hype machine.

我是一名没有编程,业务或设计经验的大学生,试图学习Android,因此可以构建一个复杂的移动应用程序。 我想这就是将大创意与硅谷炒作机相结合所得到的。

I wish I could tell you things went well from here.


I bought a few books on Android development and spent countless hours in my room trying to duct-tape my app together. I didn’t care how the app worked, I just wanted a finished product.

我买了几本有关Android开发的书,在房间里花了无数个小时试图共同整理我的应用程序。 我不在乎该应用程序如何工作,我只想要一个成品。

Time went on and the app turned into a Frankenstein of copy and pasted code. The app didn’t have many features and it barely ran without crashing.

随着时间的流逝,该应用程序变成了复制和粘贴代码的科学怪人。 该应用程序没有很多功能,几乎没有崩溃就可以运行。

It wasn’t until I accidentally got into a Computer Science class that I realized that I should focus more on actually trying to learn software development.


My inability to program lead me to abandon my initial app idea. I'd come to the realization that I wasn’t going to make the next big thing, at least not yet.

由于无法编程,我放弃了最初的应用程序创意。 我意识到,我不会做出下一件大事,至少现在还没有。

Over time I corrected my behavior and took learning more seriously. I started to enjoy programming and eventually started a career as a software developer.

随着时间的流逝,我纠正了自己的行为,并认真学习了。 我开始喜欢编程,最终开始了自己的软件开发生涯。

My big app idea consumed me for a long time. It put my focus on the end result rather than the process of getting there.

我的大型应用程式创意让我很久不知所措。 它使我着重于最终结果,而不是到达目标的过程。

When you get too focused on the end result, you start taking shortcuts. Shortcuts might lead some short-term progress but in the long run, your lack of knowledge will always catch up to you.

当您过于关注最终结果时,您就会开始采用捷径。 捷径可能会带来一些短期进展,但从长远来看,您缺乏知识将永远追上您。

It’s important to remember that learning anything big, like programming, requires many small steps. Each step will need to be treated with care.

重要的是要记住,学习任何大东西(例如编程)都需要许多小步骤。 每个步骤都需要谨慎对待。

Learning new things is like building a house. You start with the foundation and build up. If the foundation is faulty the whole thing will crumble down sooner or later.

学习新事物就像盖房子。 您从基础开始,逐步建立。 如果基础有问题,整个事情迟早都会崩溃。

Sometimes building a strong foundation requires you to slow down. There’s no shame in going slow. The people who understand the basics the first time will end up getting ahead of the people who have to go back and relearn them.

有时建立坚实的基础需要您放慢脚步。 放慢脚步没有什么可耻的。 第一次了解基础知识的人最终将领先于必须回去重新学习的人。

There’s an old Chinese proverb that goes:


"It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a big leap forward only to stumble backward."

It's not how fast you can do something, it's how slowly you can do it correctly.


I was a perfect example. From the outside, it might’ve looked like I was a programming whiz kid. In reality, I couldn’t build an app to save my life.

我是一个完美的例子。 从外部看来,我好像是一个编程天才小子。 实际上,我无法构建用于挽救生命的应用程序。

Focus on the process and you will surprise yourself with how much progress you make each day.


第2课:堆栈溢出很棒(但很危险) (Lesson 2: Stack Overflow is Awesome (But Dangerous))

As I was building my killer app, Stack Overflow became my best friend.

在构建杀手级应用程序时,Stack Overflow成为了我最好的朋友。

Anytime I got stuck I would try to craft together a perfect question to ask the Stack Overflow community. I averaged a few questions a day.

每当我遇到困难时,我都会尝试提出一个完美的问题,向Stack Overflow社区提问。 我平均每天要问几个问题。

Not only would I post questions, but I would also treat the answers on Stack Overflow as Gospel. I would spend a crazy amount of time scouring the site to try to find an exact chunk of code that would fix my problem.

我不仅会发布问题,而且还会将Stack Overflow上的答案视为福音。 我会花大量的时间搜索站点,以尝试找到可以解决我的问题的确切代码。

When I found a suitable answer, I would copy and paste it right into my codebase and try to make it work with my existing code. I spent little time trying to understand the code I was adding.

找到合适的答案后,我将其复制并粘贴到我的代码库中,并尝试使其与现有代码一起使用。 我花了很少的时间来理解我要添加的代码。

I made brute-force trial and error a new art form.


This process went on for a while until eventually, I wised up and realized the flaws of my approach.


Stack Overflow is a blessing and a curse. It’s great at helping you solve problems – however, if you aren’t careful, you can quickly become dependent on the website.

堆栈溢出既是福也是祸。 很好地帮助您解决问题-但是,如果您不小心,则会很快变得依赖该网站。

Sometimes the website is too good at solving problems. It creates a false sense of confidence that can lead to more headaches down the road.

有时,网站太擅长解决问题。 这会产生一种虚假的自信感,可能导致日后出现更多头痛问题。

Stack Overflow shows you how to get something to work but it doesn't usually explicitly tell you why it works.


Understanding the how is important. Bugs need to be fixed and code needs to run.

了解其重要性。 错误需要修复,代码需要运行。

However, understanding why something works is what's going to help you apply the knowledge again in the future.


It's like the quote...


"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."

Copy and pasting code from Stack Overflow is like giving someone a fish. Understanding why a snippet of code works is like teaching them to fish.

从Stack Overflow复制和粘贴代码就像给别人一条鱼。 理解为什么一段代码有效,就像教他们钓鱼一样。

There's nothing wrong with copying and pasting code. We all do it. It's only a problem when it becomes a crutch and stunts our growth as a developer.

复制和粘贴代码没有错。 我们都做。 当它变成拐杖并阻碍我们作为开发人员的成长时,这只是一个问题。

The thing I had to learn the hard way was that it's impossible to learn anything if the answers are constantly given to you. There are no short-cuts in the learning process.

我必须努力学习的一件事是,如果不断地给您答案,就不可能学到任何东西。 学习过程中没有捷径。

When you're stuck, attempt to solve your coding problem at least a few times before going to Google.


When you find yourself copying and pasting code, spend a little time trying to understand the code snippet before moving on.


第3课:学习如何找到有经验的帮助 (Lesson 3: Learn How to Find Experienced Help)

The first thing I did after I decided I wanted to learn programming was buy two Android development books.


At the start, I followed the exercises in the books closely and worked through the example projects. However, I quickly got frustrated with the progress I was making following the book and decided to go off and figure out how to program on my own.

开始时,我密切关注了书中的练习并通过示例项目进行了工作。 但是,我很快对跟随本书所取得的进展感到沮丧,并决定继续研究如何自行编程。

As you’ve read above, that slowly resulted in disaster.


I spent countless hours isolated in my room trying to figure out simple programming problems. I was getting stuck on every new line of code and it didn't feel like I was making much progress.

我在房间里呆了无数个小时,试图找出简单的编程问题。 我被困在每行新代码上,感觉好像没有什么进步。

I was helplessly stuck and my life was a cocktail of doubt, frustration, and an overwhelming feeling of being lost.


To make matters worse, I had the bright idea to start using a massive C library called FFMPEG. My app needed to edit videos, so I thought it was a good idea to utilize the library’s robust functionality.

更糟糕的是,我有一个聪明的主意,开始使用一个名为FFMPEG的大型C库。 我的应用程序需要编辑视频,因此我认为利用库的强大功能是个好主意。

It wasn’t my smartest move, considering at the time, I could barely get my Android app working.


I wasted a lot of time trying to read the C code and figuring out how I could use it in my app. I struggled to even get the library imported into my Android project. The Android code and C code didn't want to play nice.

我浪费了很多时间试图阅读C代码并弄清楚如何在应用程序中使用它。 我甚至很难将库导入到我的Android项目中。 Android代码和C代码不想玩的很好。

After many hours of getting nowhere, I eventually became frustrated and abandoned the library.


Around the same time as the FFMPEG debacle, I signed up for an Object Oriented Programming class. I'm honestly not sure how I got in. I later found out that I was the only non-Computer Science major in the class. I think there was a bug in the enrollment software.

在FFMPEG崩溃的同时,我报名参加了面向对象编程类。 老实说,我不确定自己是如何进入的。后来我发现我是班上唯一的非计算机科学专业。 我认为注册软件中存在错误。

The first assignment was to build a Blackjack program. I’d been teaching myself programming for 5-6 months at this point, and I felt somewhat confident with my skills.

第一个任务是建立一个二十一点程序。 在这一点上,我一直在教自己编程5-6个月,我对自己的技能有些自信。

I finished the assignment and felt good about my work.


It didn't take long for that feeling to fade.


My whole program was written in one huge method. Just about everyone else in the class was able to pick up on the fact that the program needed to be separated into classes.

我的整个程序是用一种巨大的方法编写的。 班上几乎所有其他人都可以理解该程序需要分成几类的事实。

Not good.


Luckily, the classwork and guidance from the teacher allowed me to take a step back from my Android app and reflect on my programming abilities. I started to value learning and reigned back my desires to make a completed app.

幸运的是,老师的课堂教学和指导使我能够从Android应用程序退后一步,并反思自己的编程能力。 我开始重视学习,并重新表达了制作完整应用程序的愿望。

I've now come to realize that if I would've spoken to just one experienced developer in those early days, they would’ve seen what I was doing. I could have set my priorities straight, and talked some sense into me. They would’ve helped me correct my path when I was going down useless dead ends (like trying to work with FFMPEG).

现在,我意识到,如果在那些早期只与一位经验丰富的开发人员交谈,他们就会知道我在做什么。 我本可以设定优先顺序,然后对我说一些话。 当我陷入无用的死胡同(比如尝试使用FFMPEG)时,它们会帮助我纠正我的道路。

Instead, I isolated myself from the world partially because I felt like there wasn’t anyone who could help me.


Isolation is a double-edged sword. On one side, it helps you focus on the task at hand. On the flip side, it removes you from the world, starving you of crucial feedback.

隔离是一把双刃剑。 一方面,它可以帮助您专注于手头的任务。 另一方面,它使您与世隔绝,使您无法获得重要的反馈。

There were a lot of ways I could’ve found help. I could’ve tried to find a professor/student at the university with Android experience or looked to the local community for help. I also could’ve tried finding an online Android community.

我有很多方法可以找到帮助。 我本可以尝试在大学里找到具有Android经验的教授/学生,或者向当地社区寻求帮助。 我也可以尝试找到在线Android社区。

Experienced developers are like a compass. They won’t get you to your destination but they will make sure you are pointed in the right direction. Their help can often be the difference between success and failure.

经验丰富的开发人员就像指南针。 他们不会把您带到目的地,但是他们会确保您的方向正确。 他们的帮助通常是成功与失败之间的区别。

Make sure you seek out guidance wherever you can find it. It will save you time and frustration down the road.

确保在任何可以找到的地方寻求指导。 这将节省您的时间和麻烦。

第4课:打造环境 (Lesson 4: Craft Your Environment)

This might be the only thing I felt like I did right when I was teaching myself programming.


Throughout my life, I’ve been really bad at studying for tests or doing my homework at home. There are just too many distractions at any given moment. I would often try to find refuge in libraries or coffee shops.

在我的一生中,我真的很不擅长学习测试或在家中做作业。 在任何给定的时刻都有太多的干扰。 我经常会尝试在图书馆或咖啡厅寻找避难所。

Luckily I applied this rule when I was teaching myself programming.


I ended up becoming a regular at a few local coffee shops. I preferred coffee shops over other study locations because they provided some variety and it’s easy to hide (easy access to caffeine doesn’t hurt either).

我最终成为当地几家咖啡店的常客。 与其他学习地点相比,我更喜欢咖啡店,因为它们提供了一些种类,而且很容易藏起来(轻松获取咖啡因也不会造成伤害)。

If I was studying at home, I made sure my door was shut and my roommates knew not to disturb me for a certain period of time.


Regardless of where I was, I would make sure my music was loud enough so I couldn’t hear what was going on around me.


I can’t say I was perfect at finding a distraction-free work environment but I was able to succeed a majority of the time.


Having the right work environment is often an overlooked part of learning.


Focus is a foundational component of memory and skill acquisition. When you try to learn something new, the strength of the learning is directly linked to the intensity of your focus. When your focus is weak, new information will be less sticky which will result in slower learning and more time studying.

专注是记忆和技能获得的基本组成部分。 当您尝试学习新事物时,学习的强度与专注的强度直接相关。 当您的注意力不足时,新信息的粘性会降低,这将导致学习速度变慢和学习时间增加。

Your work environment should be distraction-free and should allow for long uninterrupted stretches of focus. Even with COVID-19 making it necessary to work remotely, there are still actions you can take to design your learning environment.

您的工作环境应无干扰,并应保持长时间不间断的关注。 即使COVID-19使得必须进行远程工作,您仍然可以采取一些措施来设计学习环境。

Here are a few things you can do:


  • Find a location where people won’t interrupt you

  • Put your phone in airplane mode

  • Use some sort of timed website blocker for social media and news sites

  • Wear headphones and listen to non-distracting music (preferably a long playlist so you don’t have to constantly switch songs)

  • Avoid TV or other highly stimulating surroundings

  • Have a notebook nearby to write down any tasks or ideas that pop into your head

  • Make it known to the people around you that you don't want to be disturbed


Only you can decide where and how to craft your environment. But make sure you do, because it’s worth it.

只有您可以决定在何处以及如何创建环境。 但是请确保您这样做,因为这是值得的。

第5课:走进世界与人见面 (Lesson 5: Get Out Into the World and Meet People)

Landing my first programming job was sort of a random occurrence.


I just moved to Omaha, Nebraska and I had around a year of self-taught development under my belt.


I knew very few people in Omaha, so I searched to try and find other people interested in Android development. I found a Meetup focused on mobile development which covered both iOS and Android development and I decided to go.

我在奥马哈认识的人很少,因此我搜索了尝试寻找对Android开发感兴趣的其他人。 我找到了一个专注于移动开发的Meetup,涵盖了iOS和Android开发,因此我决定去。

Going to that first meeting was nerve-racking. I spent around 10 minutes in my car at the venue deciding if I should go in or drive off.

参加第一次会议真是令人费解。 我在会场里开车花了大约10分钟的时间,决定应该进还是开车。

I was intimidated. I wasn’t confident of my programming skills and I knew everyone at the Meetup had much more experience than I did.

我被吓到了。 我对自己的编程技能不自信,而且我知道Meetup上的每个人都比我拥有更多的经验。

I finally said, screw it and went inside.


I’m glad I did.


I started to attend regularly and during one Meetup, not too long after I moved to Omaha, I met a recruiter who was looking for an Android contractor. We talked for a while and I got an interview for the job later that week.

我开始定期参加会议,在一次聚会中,就在搬到奥马哈后不久,我遇到了一个正在寻找Android承包商的招聘人员。 我们聊了一会儿,那周晚些时候我接受了这份工作的面试。

Before the interview, I felt confident. During the interview, I was a deer in the headlights.

面试前,我有信心。 在采访中,我是头鹿。

The interviewer was talking about the project I’d be working on and it all went right over my head. I tried to stay engaged but they could tell it was out of my range.

面试官在谈论我将要从事的项目,一切都浮现在我头上。 我试图保持订婚,但他们可以说这超出了我的范围。

After the interview, they asked me to hang-out for an hour so I could talk to someone else. Knowing I blew it, I walked around downtown trying to clear my head.

面试后,他们要求我出去玩一个小时,以便我可以和其他人聊天。 知道自己炸死后,我在市区走来走去,试图清理自己的头。

I ended up interviewing with someone else at the company, and shortly after, they offered me an internship.


I was so shocked that after I signed all the paperwork and got my work laptop running, I went over to the CEO and asked if it was a paid internship or not.


The internship turned into a full-time job and I started my career as a software developer.


When you are self-taught, people are not going to come and seek you out. You will need to find opportunities for yourself.

当您自学成才时,人们不会来找您。 您将需要为自己找到机会。

Graduates of four-year universities and code schools have the advantage of leveraging their school's network when finding a job. Self-taught developers don’t have this luxury.

四年制大学和法学院的毕业生在找工作时具有利用学校网络的优势。 自学成才的开发人员没有这种奢侈。

Self-taught developers will need to go out into the world and build their networks themselves.


Cold calling employers and sending out resumes can work. However, I've found people like hiring people who are close to them in their social network.

冒昧地打电话给雇主并发送简历可以奏效。 但是,我发现人们喜欢在其社交网络中雇用与他们关系密切的人。

Websites like are great for finding monthly programming-specific groups. Even in a pandemic, there are still many virtual Meetups that are very informative and beneficial.

像这样的网站非常适合查找每月特定于节目的组。 即使在大流行中,仍然有许多虚拟的聚会非常有益且有益。

There are also other Slack channels or Discord communities that you can leverage to make meaningful relationships. You can also try reaching out to various people in your area and ask to have a quick 15-minute virtual coffee with them.

您还可以使用其他Slack渠道或Discord社区来建立有意义的关系。 您还可以尝试与您所在地区的各个人联系,并要求他们与他们一起快速喝15分钟的虚拟咖啡。

Do what you can to build up the nerve to reach out and talk with people. Be friendly and talk to them about your experiences. Make sure people know of your long-term goal of finding a job.

尽您所能建立联系和与人交谈的神经。 友好并与他们谈论您的经历。 确保人们知道您找到工作的长期目标。

Put yourself in situations where something positive might happen. You can’t win a raffle if you never buy a ticket.

将自己置于可能发生积极事情的情况下。 如果您不买票,就无法中奖。

Consider any opportunity that comes your way, because even if it looks like a dead-end, it has the potential to lead to something bigger.


My internship was a huge pay-cut to the other offers I had at the time. However, I knew if I worked hard it would be an opportunity for me to break into the tech industry.

我的实习是我当时其他职位的大幅减薪。 但是,我知道如果我努力工作,那将是我进入科技行业的机会。

The key is to think of job opportunities in the long-term. Internships or part-time jobs might not give you your desired salary upfront but they might open up doors in the future.

关键是要长期考虑工作机会。 实习或兼职工作可能不会给您预想的薪水,但将来可能会打开大门。

我希望你能从我的错误中学到东西,并自己激发新的错误 (I Hope You Learn From My Mistakes and Make Exciting New Mistakes of Your Own)

As you can see, I made a lot of mistakes in my journey of becoming a self-taught developer.


Teaching yourself to code is never a straight road. All our stories are unique.

自学编码从来都不是一条直路。 我们所有的故事都是独一无二的。

The key is to keep going and to avoid getting discouraged when things aren't going your way.


I encourage other self-taught developers to share their stories. Not only will they provide valuable insights, but they will also help shine a light on the unique paths we’ve taken.

我鼓励其他自学成才的开发人员分享他们的故事。 它们不仅可以提供宝贵的见解,而且还有助于阐明我们所采取的独特路径。

Hopefully, my story and the lessons I learned will help you moving forward.


Thanks for reading. If you want to hear about other insights I've learned along the way,. My goal is to help you learn programming more efficiently.

谢谢阅读。 如果您想了解我在此过程中学到的其他见解,请 。 我的目标是帮助您更有效地学习编程。




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